Use a light touch when applying cream or make-up 涂抹乳霜或化妆品时动作要轻。
Suddenly he felt the light touch of a fin. 就在这时,不知道谁的鱼鳍轻轻地碰了彩虹鱼一下。
But at the local level the light touch applied by Chinese managers seems to have helped assuage such concerns. 但在当地,中国管理者采取的无为而治的策略,似乎缓解了这样的担忧。
These days no British politician wants to talk too much about banks, or wave a light touch regulatory regime as a lure. 如今,英国政界人士谁也不愿意过多谈论银行,或是炫耀点到为止式的监管制度,将其作为引资的诱饵。
So by getting out of the way of the banks, the FSA hoped to both maintain stability and encourage business to come to "light touch" London. 因此,fsa对银行未加干涉,以期在保持稳定的同时,鼓励企业“轻触”伦敦。
As the horse learns what you want, just a light touch will suffice. 当马已经知道你要他干什么的时候,只要轻轻碰一下就可以了。
Managing personal matters with a light touch can keep a misunderstanding from getting out of hand this weekend. 用轻柔的方式处理个人问题,可以防止一个误解变得失去控制。
He had a wonderful light touch, peppering his talk with puns, epigrams, and allusions to Russian literature. 他具有非常轻松愉快的特征,在讲话中不断地插入双关俏皮话、警句和俄罗斯文学中的典故。
A light touch is needed in playing quiet music. It had begun to snow, a soft, windblown powder that dusted the city. 轻柔的音乐需轻轻地弹奏。天开始下起雪来,一阵轻柔的被风吹乱的白絮撒满了这座城市。
She handles this difficult subject with a light touch. 她处理起这种难题来得心应手。
A feather light touch on his shoulder roused him from his stupor and he tiredly raised his head to look at Estra. 好像羽毛轻触他的肩膀,把他从昏迷中唤醒,他支起脑袋看着艾丝特拉。
Untitled ( 2007) displays a linear web of interlaced black, white, blue, and pink strokes, the traces of a fine brush and a light touch. 《无题》(2007)展示了一个由黑色、白色蓝色与粉红色的笔触交织组成的线性网络。
He types quickly, using a light touch. 他用轻快的指法飞速打字。
In revising a product safety directive, the Commission proposed a light touch regime for industrial products but stricter controls for consumer goods. 在修订一项产品安全法令时,欧盟委员会提议对工业产品实行宽松检查机制,但同时加强对消费品的控制。
Everything seems to be done with a light touch and lots of smiles. 一切看起来都是在轻触和微笑中进行的。
Gentle as spring breeze, it cracks the frozen river with its light touch. 春风算得上温柔了吧,它从冰冻的河面上走过,坚冰竟出现了裂缝;
That light touch may not be enough for investors who have filed private lawsuits against some of the companies alleging fraud and mismanagement. 而对于已向一些公司提起私人诉讼、指其涉嫌欺诈与不当经营的投资者而言,这种轻描淡写的态度可能是不够的。
Light music, comedy, entertainment, ie not serious or difficult A light touch is needed in playing quiet music. 轻音乐、轻喜剧、轻松的娱乐活动轻柔的音乐需轻轻地弹奏。
The last step is to open up with light touch to avoid tear the fine connections. 最后一步是展开,这个时候要轻一点,免得撕破较细的连接处。
If you truly care about what your partner has to say, use a light touch. 如果你确实在意你搭档想说些什么的话,请不要动手动脚的。
On international competitiveness, it is true that there used to be a sense that countries seeking to preserve their financial services sectors ought to be deregulating, because only "light touch" schemes would be tolerated by the mobile international financial institutions. 从国际竞争力来看,确实,过去存在一种理念,即寻求保护其金融服务业的国家应放松监管,因为流动性强的国际金融机构只能忍受“轻度监管”方案。
He tends to lack the light touch when it comes to dealing with people, and can easily upset them. 他待人接物总是缺乏细致温和,因此很容易使别人恼火。
Member states voted to extend the light touch to consumer goods as well. 欧盟成员国日前进行了投票,希望将宽松检查机制扩大到消费品领域。
Mr Geithner, in a speech on Monday, said the UK had set a "tragic" example through light touch regulation and warned that it was essential for Asian jurisdictions to fall into line with the US on derivatives rules. 盖特纳在周一的讲话中表示,英国“轻拿轻放式”的监管成为了一个“悲剧性的”例子,他同时警告称,亚洲法律辖区在衍生品监管方面有必要与美国看齐。
Advanced MCU control has full light touch interface including start control, temperature control and airflow control to achieve safety and reliable operation. 先进的微电脑控制技术,特有全轻触界面操作,包括开关控制,控温及风量控制,使操作更安全及可靠。
Since banks were thought to embody strong self-correcting forces, they could be regulated with a light touch. 由于人们认为银行具备强大的自我调整能力,因此对它们稍加监管就可以了。
However, Parliament had been expected to vote in favour of the light touch regime. 然而,人们此前预期欧盟议会将投票赞成宽松检查机制。
The public sector deficit, popular outrage at bankers 'greed and ineptitude, and a realisation that light touch was the wrong touch caused many of the totemic City-friendly policies to be reversed. 公共部门赤字、公众对于银行家贪婪和无能的愤怒,加之人们认识到温和监管是错误的政策,所有这些都导致许多有利于伦敦城的标志性政策被逆转。